So... I normally have this option set on in Prefs, and I like what it does in general... but there are times during specific file mgmt work I'm doing when I want it to NOT happen - or better stated, where I intend to do something AFTER copying (moving actually) the files with some other items, which with the current behavior of this option becomes problematic.
- I'm in Flatview, and I move a group of files from some sub-folder up one or more levels, leaving behind other folders and files which are of no interest to me and which I'd like to delete...
- As the files are moving, I will try to click empty lister white space, or just select the folder which I'd like to discard following the file move completing... at which point I'd hit the delete key
- I do this while the files are still moving simply because it takes a few seconds for the move to complete (it's usually on a slow USB connected drive that I'm doing this work, and when I'm moving zip files and or folders that ALSO appear in the folder tree, it takes extra long for the tree and file display to refresh the overall list) and I'd rather get the 'other' item that I'm going to delete selected while I wait for the op to complete so that I can move my hand off the mouse and hit delete when the move stuff is done
The problem is that it seems as though the "Automatically select newly copied files" option is doing it's job despite the fact that I've gone and selected something else (or deselected everything by clicking empty lister white space). The affect it has is that whatever files HAD been moved and appear as such in the lister BEFORE I select something else or click empty space remain DE-selected... but all of the other items that were "in flight" still when I clicked on something else go ahead and get selected after their move completes and the lister refreshes. So what I end up with is a combination of the folder which I've just clicked on along with SOME of the files I just moved being selected when the refresh is done - which if I then hit DELETE as I'd like to - will delete stuff I wanted to keep.
Bottom line is that while I think the option is functioning as intended... and I'd like to leave it enabled normally, in this sort of situation it creates the potential for me to unintentionally delete data I want to keep - unless I either just "wait" for all the move stuff to complete before selecting the stuff I want to discard - which isn't really a BIG deal, but I have to THINK about it - whereas when I'm doing any of this I'm just trying to work quickly by selecting the discard item while the other stuff is still moving. It becomes one of those "why am I faster than my computer" type perceptions...
Is this something anyone else cares about...? Would anyone else want the auto select behavior (if enabled) to be sort of "canceled" if you clicked on something else while a copy/move to your current file display was still in progress...?