I want to automate Directory Opus from external programs, that means different active instances and their listers. I'm already using DOpusRT, but miss the possibility to access a certain instance via e. g. the title. What is possible now and in the near future?
my aim is full external control of all open instances of DO. Main tasks are:
lister switching
tab groups in lister switching
creating folders and template files
sorting the view of file
getting folders/files
and so on.
Most is already possible with DOpusRT, but not for all open instances.
Great would be something like a COM interface, but I would prefer a network (TCP/IP) based solution - just an ethernet based CLI - which would be really flexible even for remote access!
My question was more what operations do you want to automate than which parts of Opus you want to use to do so.
i.e. What is it you want to do from an automation tool or programming language where it makes sense to automate Opus to do it rather than to do it directly in the tool/language?
FWIW, further automation features are being considered but I'm not sure if they would cater to what you want to do, which is why I ask.