Autosave open tabs when opening a tab instead of when exiting

I lose my set of open tabs sometimes under these conditions:

  1. If my computer crashes and automatically restarts
  2. Sometimes if my computer is under a lot of strain (copying files for several hours, etc) and then I manually reboot my computer

Is there a setting to have DOpus automatically save (to the hard drive) the list of open tabs each time I open a new tab? Or possibly once the tab has successfully loaded or after a few seconds of the tab being opened. (to avoid a bad tab causing issues)

If this is not already a setting, could it be made a setting in an upcoming version of DOpus?

As an example of a program that has this feature: Firefox currently seems to have this feature (I used to use the "Session Manager" addon to accomplish this in older version of Firefox) - I rarely lose tabs in Firefox.

Huge fan of DOpus, any help is appreciated, thanks!

You could write a script that uses the OnOpenTab event to trigger a save.

@aussieboykie It is a shame this isn't a setting (or at least I couldn't find it) - I can't be the only one that loses tabs. That said, I really appreciate the pointer to the OnOpenTab event, thank you aussie!

Hi @Jon,

Any chance we could have this added as a setting in a future version of DOpus?

I too experience crashes from time to time and I rarely reboot my computer, so whatever listers and tabs DO opens after it crashed and restarted, they totally don't fit what and where I was working on right before. Usually the listers and tabs opened are from several weeks back in time, quite irritating! o) Thanks! o)

As @aussieboykie suggested, a script could do this easily.