Previously I had a keyboard shortcut (Alt + 1) set up to sort the current folder with folders before files, using the name column as the key, and with the name column resized to show the entire name. The background here is that I have many folders with long names for ongoing projects. Alt 1 lets me put it all in alphabetical order. I also had Alt + 2 to sort on modified to pop up the most recent folders and files to the top.
I understand that things changed a little in v12.2 but despite referring to other threads in this forum I have not yet been able to find the correct incantation in the Command Editor to achieve what I want. (It seems that it is sensitive to the order of the commands?) The below obviously does not work. Any suggestions for how to achieve the sorting pattern described above would be much appreciated.
set sortreverse=on
set sortby=name
set sortreverse=off
set autosizecolumns=both