Autosize with Default Format

My test bed is DO12 with the Default Format unchanged from the as-shipped default configuration, so all column width settings are Auto. If I select a few items and then Select NOPATTERN HIDEUNSEL the name column does not resize to reflect the remaining visible items. Likewise, if I then resize manually with Set AUTOSIZECOLUMNS and then click the Show Everything button, no auto resize is performed. This may be working as designed but to me, Auto means resize as appropriate following any change to the list of visible items.

I see from [url=], which may be related, that changes are planned for 12.0.5 so maybe this will be addressed.

Regards, AB

To prevent the columns jumping around by themselves more often than is really needed, there are a lot of cases where autosize will only make columns grow and not shrink. For example, if you hide items, it won't trigger an autosize by itself (even if you've hidden the longest items) as it's more often then not unwanted.

Checking with 12.0.8, if you hide items, resize the column, then use Show Everything, that will increase the column size if needed for the revealed items. So that but that part looks OK now, and the other part looks like it's working as intended.