Backup Settings Portability

Assuming we are only talking about .ocb backup files created by Directory Opus v. (i.e., the current version), is it safe to backup and then restore DOpus' settings between different OS's, specifically Vista and WinXP I mean.

If not, how would one go about at least saving and restoring one's "Favorites" and FTP address book?

It should be safe, yes.

I'm just wondering how extensive the compatibility checks are. For instance, DOpus is Vista64 "aware" in that it won't give the user the option to fully replace Explorer (I forget what the option was called).

But if I had that feature set in XP, saved the settings, and then restored the settings on Vista64, would that mess things up?

I am just wondering if this could be the cause of my problems. First, there's that Disk Properties thing and those false chkdsk error reports when initiating it from Directory Opus like I was talking about in that other thread. Now, I noticed I can no longer use Opus' awesome Find tool (via "Search..."), but I know I was able to the first time I had Vista64 installed. Now it just launches Vista's new search utility. The only difference is that the first time I tried out Vista64, I didn't try to import my settings.

Does Directory Opus completely clean up after itself when doing a normal uninstall, or are there still directories (in %appdata% for instance) and registry keys I would need to hunt down and manually delete?

In regard to my last question, my goal is to a fully clean install of DOpus without resorting to yet another dreaded OS reinstall.

I can't answer any of these details as I don't know.

GPSoft may be able to provide some answers if you ask them directly via their support page but it may take a few days since the person most likely to know all of this is away for a week or so.