Batch Copy/Move from Folder to Folder Based on Name

I have two directories that have folder structures named after clients. The naming structure matches on each side. Is there a way to batch copy or move subfolders/files (prefer copy) to folders with matching names? I've included a photo below of the two directories to give a visual idea about what I'm referring too. The folders on the left need their contents copied into the folders on the right with matching names.


Any advice is greatly appreciated!

If you select-all in the side you want to copy to, then use Edit > Select Other > Select Source to Destination, it will select everything in the other side (the one you want to copy from) with the same name.

You can then switch to the side you want to copy from and copy that selection across using the Copy Files button.

Thanks so much for you help - the copy job has been processing overnight and all seems to be well!