Beta 22.3 won't download

Keep getting a network changed message when trying to get it either directly or via the updater..

Been trying a couple of days..


"Network Changed" errors in Chrome indicate an issue on your side rather than the server side.

Hi Leo, have now tried IE and Firefox to no avail, I can't even download older versions, I get a The server at is taking too long to respond.

Turned the firewall off, trying everything..

The only issue I've had with Chrome is their purge of non Https downloads which can be bypassed by getting the link to open in a new tab.

Bit at a loss, network diagnostics say all is fine but its having issues connecting to you for the download??

Which part of the world are you in? If you run ping from a command prompt, which server does it resolve to?

Have you tried disabling your antivirus in case it's blocking the download?

UK, I'm finally getting via my mobile..Think I'll do a system reset and reinstall..

Tried turning all off AV / FW the lot...Just not playing ball...

Call this closed Leo, all a bit odd...

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