Box Drive root folder is not showing the right color

I recently upgraded Box Sync to Box Drive. Box Drive is pointing to C:\Users\name\Box folder. When I navigate to the folder, I see icons overlay on my files and folders, for example, a cloud icon overlay to indicate that the folder is in the cloud.

My issue is I am unable to read the filenames. I have a black background and the font is black. If I enter one of the subfolders (for example C:\Users\name\Box\subfolder), I can see my normal colour scheme, white font over black background. It is only the root Box folder (C:\Users\name\Box) that does not seem to follow the color scheme I have carefully set up for my entire Dopus. C:\Users\name is fine, i.e. it follows my colour scheme.

Any ideas?

You probably didn't change all the File and Folder Colors under Preferences / Display / Colors and Fonts. Either that or you have a label that's giving matching things black text, under Preferences / Favorites and Recent / Labels.

It does not seem to be the case.

I am stumped as to where could be the problem.

View of Large icon:
(filenames have been blanked out and they are in a dark color)

Below is the same view in Detail mode. It appeared as white background. Interestingly, the Date modified and Type column are in the correct dark background and and the same black font which I don't know where to change:

If I double clicked into one of the folders, the correct color scheme is presented:

Turn off Preferences / Display / Options / Enable background images in virtual folders as it won't work properly with dark background colors, since the shell and/or 3rd party code drawing on top of the background doesn't know (and has no way of being told) it should use light text colors, and we have no control over it. You'll then get standard colors (dark on white) when in folders rendered by the shell or 3rd party components, and your own choice of colors in all the other folders which Opus handles itself.

Great. This works. I now have black font on white background. While it is blinding, it is better than not being able to read at all. Thanks Leo!