Breadcrumbs integration in title bar

The breadcrumbs control is a nice one, no question, but why hasn't that feature be included in the normal title bar first?

Lack of space for longer paths can be an argument maybe, but in this case the start of the path could simply be cut and the needed part could be scrolled into view with tiny arrow buttons on the left and the right side of the path.

Having two path controls is counterproductive, at least for me. It wastes space I could use in a different way.


[quote="Icfu"]Having two path controls is counterproductive, at least for me. It wastes space I could use in a different way.

Well, remove one of them!

By "Title Bar", do you mean the File Display Border or the Window Title?

The File Display Border displays the current hotpath. It is not quite the same thing as a Path Field. The FDB also hosts several buttons and other functions (like right-clicking the Opus icon to get at the context menu).

I think the Window Title may not be customizable. That's a question for Jon.

If you are seeing two path fields, one in the style of Opus 8 and one Breadcrumbs, remove the one you don't want. Breadcrumbs also works like the traditional path field if you click in the whitespace at the right, or hotkey to it.

I think (correct me if I'm wrong) that Icfu is saying the File Display Border (with hotpaths) and the Breadcrumbs field are very similar, but not quite the same, and could/should be combined into a single thing that has all of the features in one place.

FWIW, I've filed one or two feature requests along these lines (also with ideas about combining folder tabs, breadcrumbs and the file display border). They all let you do different things, but when you're not clicking on them they also all display essentially the same information (the current path) so some way of combining the functionality of all of the things into a single control would be cool, if it's possible to do so without making something that's difficult to use.

You can turn off the File Display Border in single-pane listers but they're not optional in dual-pane listers (which makes sense as things are now). It's also nice to have the Source/Destination indicated by the colour of the FDB, which you lose if you turn it off.

Sorry, I am not used to the DO technical terms. :wink:

Indeed this is what I mean, thanks for clarifying.

This is how I would like to have the FDB look like when I want to show X:\this\extremely\long\path\which\cannot\be\displayed\in\one\piece:
<X:...ich\cannot\be\displayed\in\one\piece> |navigation buttons|

The < and > would only popup when the path is too long to be displayed and could be used for scrolling the path view. Pressing the backslashes would open the popdown just like pressing the tiny arrows in the breadrumbs bar. I hope you understand what I mean now. :slight_smile:


Yup, that makes sense and is along the lines of what I was thinking.