Button Commands and the Clipboard Issue

Hi, I'm a new user and glad to be here :slightly_smiling_face:

I used the following commands in a button with the intent of changing the path in the Location field from a virtual path (e.g. Lib://) to the actual path.

Clipboard SET {sourcepath$|noterm}
Go "{clip}"

It does not work as {clip} uses what was on the clipboard before the button was pressed, not the output from the SET action preceding it in the command list.Is there a way around this?

Any suggestions much appreciated. Cheers.

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You can use dopusrt /acmd to run the command externally, which will cause the {clip} insert code to be reevaluated for the new context.

But in this case there's no real reason to use the clipboard at all - you can just invoke the Go command directly:

Go {sourcepath$|noterm}

That works well. Thanks Jon for the prompt response.