Button for "Display this folder in the other file display"

Using dual folder display.

I would like to create a button that will enable a simple click to move the folder display from one side to the other,

Or just move the existing set of buttons that do this to the centre of the dual display.

In my screenshot you can see the button I mean.

This is fine for the left folder but if I want to display the right folder on the left i have to move the mouse all hway to the right hand of the lister.

Is this possible?

So, either a single big button which changes depending on which side of the lister is selected.

Or ability to move the existing button set as in this mockup.

Thanks in advance.

OK after knowing a bit more about what to search for I found:


So I have made the button.

I think this will give me a clue how to move the toolbar also.

If you right click on a tab, the context menu has a whole raft of options including the ones you want.