is it possible to make a button which has a batch command "inside"? Pressing the button should execute the following code - without an existing .cmd/.bat-file somewhere:
set year=%date:~6,4%
set month=%date:~3,2%
set day=%date:~0,2%
mkdir "%year%-%month%-%day%"
I know that DO has a command like "CreateFolder {date}" but this is not the problem I'm interested in the batch thing
Add a line with @externalonly to the start of the command. Otherwise you will run Opus's Set command instead of the MS-DOS Set command.
Since %date% changes depending on syetem locale settings, splitting it up like that isn't a great idea, by the way. On my system the command goes badly wrong and creates a mess (or doesn't work at all) because %date% turns into 24/Jul/2008 which is then turned into /200-Ju-24
You could make Opus generate the date for you if you want it in a particular format:
mkdir "{date|yyyy-MM-dd}"
That also works with the internal CreateFolder command, of course.