Button that runs batch file to mount drive, then enter the drive

Hi all,

I've made a button that runs a batch file which mounts my remote google drive folder using rclone. That part works great, but I would love to be able to, once the drive mounts (it takes about 5-7 seconds for Opus to show the drive as mounted after the script runs) to be able to then use GO S:/, as in enter the mounted drive directory.

I've tried added "Go S:/" on the next line in the command editor, but it only tries to enter the directory when I close the script.

Is there some way to achieve this? Something I am missing perhaps? Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

I've added a screenshot of the command editor:


Thank you!

Does this option not work for you?


Edited to add: I should have mentioned that the above option of installing Google's own Google Drive File Stream works for me. Here's my drive list in DOpus.

Note: You can paste images, like your screenshot, directly into the message editor.

So the .bat file is doing something that waits for your input before completing? That seems like the issue is in the .bat file rather than on the Opus side. i.e. Is there any reason it is waiting for your input, rather than closing itself once it is finished?