Call a program once for each selected file

I'm trying to make a button that opens only selected files in a program called Mp3Tag. Mp3Tag has a strange(?) behavior -- if you drag a set of files onto it it will load those selected files, but if you try to feed it the same arguments from batch/command-line it only opens the last file.

mp3tag.exe "c:\a.mp3" "c:\b.mp3"

will only open "b.mp3", but dragging both files onto Mp3Tag's .exe will open both of them...?
Anyway, I've learned that a batch file written this way works:

mp3tag.exe "c:\a.mp3" mp3tag.exe "c:\b.mp3"
Is there any way I can get this to work?

Use {filepath$} as the argument and Opus will run the command once for each file.

(Use {allfilepath$} to put all the filenames on a single command-line when you want to do things the opposite way.)

It does what I want, except that it loads the fist file then waits for me to exit before loading the second file.
I would like it to run the command on every file rapidly.
I tried @async, but this did not work.

Which external control code did you use, {filepath$} or {allfilepath$}?

If it was the first, try changing to the second.

All Opus can do is to send the fully qualified file names to the application, and it gives you a couple ways it can do so. After that it's up to the application to do the rest.

{filepath$} is definitely the one I need, I just DOpus to not wait for me to close the external app before it runs the command on fille#2,3,4...ect.

This works for me with mp3tag:

@async: "C:\Program Files\Mp3tag\Mp3tag.exe" {filepath$}

That worked. (I was using @async wrong)

@async "C:\Program Files\Mp3tag\Mp3tag.exe" {filepath$}
Thanks guys.

[quote="lee321987"]That worked. (I was using @async wrong)

@async "C:\Program Files\Mp3tag\Mp3tag.exe" {filepath$}
Thanks guys.[/quote]

How can you set multiple codes per line?

The following line does not work:

@async:@admin:C:\Windows\Notepad.exe {filepath$}

That line works fine for me.

(@admin:@async: does not work but @async:@admin: does.)

If there's only one command being run (or all commands are to be run as admin) then you could also make the whole button run as admin:

@admin @async:C:\Windows\Notepad.exe {filepath$}