Can a folder be viewed in different pre set ways

Hi there
I want to view a folder with the filter set to say *.log
I also want to view that folder at different times with no filter set.
Is there any way to preset a lister to do this?

thanks for any reply

One way to do it is to create a button or hotkey that runs Set QUICKFILTER=*.log which will toggle the filter.

You could also combine Leo's Event Trigger script so the quickfilter is set on entering the folder (so it's the default view). Then use the button to toggle it off when needed.

Hmmm...something to think about over Easter! Thank you ktcrash :slight_smile:

There are several ways you can do this. Which is best will depend on exactly how you want it to work.

e.g. How are you planning to go to the folder in each case?

Do you just want it to show *.log by default but be able to push a button to show everything again?

Or do you want two buttons which both go to the folder from any starting point (in a new window?), one with the filter and one without?

Or something else? It's all possible.

Hi Leo. Happy holiday to you :slight_smile:

Scenario A Folder Aliases
Here is my ideal scenario.
I use Folder Aliases almost exclusively to navigate to folders.
It is not clear to me that I can use Folder Alias A and Folder Alias B to point to the same target with (different filters set) or (one Folder Alias with filter set one Folder Alias with out). Maybe I can do that with a collection? i.e. Add the target folder to the collection then set up a Folder Format for the collection?

Scenario B Lister Layouts
Not so ideal but might be useful for discussion/exploration
Use lister layouts somehow? Not sure where this would go as an idea because I would think/need/want 2 tabs of the same target folder one filtered one not.

Thanks as always for any response....

You could do Scenario A using a library (not a collection) for one of the views, where the library just had the one folder as a member.

If you're typing the aliases directly into the lister -- i.e. into the Find-As-You-Type field -- then another alternative is to create a user command so you can type /FolderName to go to it one way (via the FolderName alias) and >FolderName to go to it the other way (via a "FolderName" user command). (Or you could have two user commands, and type something like >FolderNameA and >FolderNameB for the two modes.)

User commands won't work if you're typing into the location field above the file display, however.

Thank Leo. Great. I will need a bit of time to absorb. So often there is a way with Opus...and your help.
Thanks again.....