For example, I may have:
Dir 1
--Dir 1a
--Dir 1b
--Dir 1c
Dir 2
--Dir 2a
--Dir 2b
--Dir 2c
Dir 3
--Dir 3a
--Dir 3b
--Dir 3c
In the lister, I would like to display the level 2 directories:
--Dir 1a
--Dir 1b
--Dir 1c
--Dir 2a
--Dir 2b
--Dir 2c
--Dir 3a
--Dir 3b
--Dir 3c
I could use flat view, but that takes a very long time to display as I would have to wait for all the file (>100,000) to display as well as 3rd level directories..
Best way is probably to use the Find tool along with a Sub-Folder clause that rejects the folders you're not interesting.
Sub-Folder clauses tell Opus to stop looking below matching folders.
You might be able to use them with Flat View but I'm not sure if they work there. With Flat View it's possible that the listing is read and then filtered. (Either way, you'd need to enable the option to filter folders in Flat View under Prefs/Advanced/Misc.)
[quote="leo"]Best way is probably to use the Find tool along with a Sub-Folder clause that rejects the folders you're not interesting.
Sub-Folder clauses tell Opus to stop looking below matching folders.
You might be able to use them with Flat View but I'm not sure if they work there. With Flat View it's possible that the listing is read and then filtered. (Either way, you'd need to enable the option to filter folders in Flat View under Prefs/Advanced/Misc.)[/quote]
I tried alternative 1:
Not sure if I understand.
Name match *
AND subclause match
----subfolder match
I was hoping this would only show the level 2 directories, but all the files were found as well
I tried alternative 2:
I assume that you meant Prefs/Misc./Advanced/ ?
I changed flat_view_folder_filters to true.
That excludes anything below subfolders called "old" (as well as requiring files to be called names like 01234.png, but that detail isn't important for what you want to do).
Another example in this thread (first screenshot):
Unfortunately, filtering on name wouldn't work in my case. I have thousands of folders and subfolders, and they have "random" names. I just want to display all the 2nd level folders.
You can specify that the folder's location does not have (say) three or more \ characters in it. That would limit how far down the Find operation would go without needing to name the folders.
Sub-Folder No-Match:
-- Location Match [Use Wildcards] ***