Can not display the thumbmails - O attribute

I'm using Directory Opus 13.0.42 Beta and when I download images from the web it doesn't show the thumbnails immediately and after a long time it doesn't show them, but in Windows Explorer it shows them immediately.

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Do they show if you refresh the folder, or still not even then?

Are thumbnails in other folders showing?

They still don't show when refreshed. However, I have found that copying an image to a folder with thumbnails will show the thumbnails. If I then copy this image back to the original folder, it doesn't display properly again. I tested it on Windows 11 21H2.

Anything special about the folder where thumbnails don't display? Is it cloud storage?

Are you able to view the files in the preview pane or Opus's standalone viewer?

No, it's the normal download folder. They both can show in the preview pane and Opus's standalone viewer.

Thumbnails that worked fine before installing Directory Opus 13.0.42 Beta still work, except for newly downloaded images from the web, which don't show thumbnails.

If you go into Details mode and turn on the Attr (Attributes) column, which attributes do the files have?

It sounds like they’re being treated as offline files, which could be from something setting the offline attribute.

I turned on the Attr (Attributes) column and found they were -a---o-, not like -a----- which could show the thumbnails.

The O attribute indicates that the files are not stored locally and in offline storage. Opus won't thumbnail files with it present, as doing so would normally pull the file into local storage, defeating the purpose of offline storage.

It's likely the O attribute has been set on the files in error by the software that downloaded (or unpacked) them. The attribute is meant to be handled automatically and isn't usually exposed in UIs for setting file attributes (since it makes no sense to set it on a normal file, as something has done here, and clearing it on an offline file doesn't make sense either, without actually bringing the data into local storage). But I think the DOS attrib command can do it.

The real thing that needs fixing is whatever is setting the attribute.

If the files came from an archive, it's possible the archive had the O attribute set on them internally due to how it was created. Some archive tools, including older versions of Opus, could copy the attribute across, which might explain why it's there. Current versions of Opus 12 & 13 won't do that, but other tools may still do it.

To fix the existing files, you can create a button in Opus to run the DOS attrib command on them:

attrib -O {filepath$}

Select the files and run that on them and it should fix them. But whatever is setting the O attribute also needs fixing so it doesn't set it on new files.

It was indeed caused by the fact that I was using Synology Drive Client backup folder, but the download folder was just under this parent folder and was not synchronized, after I deleted the synchronization rule, the newly downloaded images could be displayed normally.
I also asked the Synology Customer service how to avoid adding attributes. Still waiting...
By the way, the DOS attrib command does not work to fix the files on Windows 11.