Cannot uninstall/reinstall/Disassociate Explorer from Opus

I have recently install XP onto a new harddrive. Opus was on the drive I was using previously to boot windows. The prog started from the old drive so I kept it there. Suddenly, the Opus.exe disappeared from the folder and Opus would not start. When I try to open My Computer I just get the message it cannot find the Opus.exe. The only way I can open Windows Explorer is to right click on My Computer and use explore. I've tried reinstalling the prog, but keep getting this error message at the start of the install:

Unhandled Exception
Error # 08x0040707
Desc - DLL function call crash : ISRT.VerGetFileVersion
Setup will Now Terminate

I can't uninstall the old prog 'cos it's not in Add/Remove programmes, and I can't reinstall. And I don't know how to disassociate explorer from Opus. Any help given will be gratefully received! :frowning: [/code]

This all sounds very odd... But I would imagine that your 'new' install doesn't show any uninstall entry for Opus in Add/Remove because you never actually "installed" it to this new Windows instance... which makes me wonder how you've got any level of Opus 'integration' in the your new OS installation...

Boot into your original XP partition, and see if you can uninstall from there, and then try re-installing the current version of Opus (downloaded from the official GPSoft site only) into your new Windows installation and see what happens.

Opus should not have been added to the new system registry, and I shouldn't have to tell you that dopus.exe should not have just "disappeared' from the folder... so it sounds like there is more going on here you're either not sharing or not aware of...

The FAQ on How to manually remove Explorer Replacement settings may help, although like Steje I don't understand where the registry settings came from if Opus was never installed on that Windows installation. (Did you import the registry from another installation or something?) I don't get why the Opus executable would disappear, either.