You mean the Opus registration account? That's fine, but you did not need to change it, FWIW.
If you have changed the email address that's tied to your Opus registration then you should use the new email address when filling out the "Registered email address" on the linking page.
(The Help->Licence Manager in Opus will still show your old email address, since it's stored on your computer. If you want to, you can update the copy that's stored on your computer by downloading and installing your registration certificate again. Or just change your email address back to what it was to keep things simple, as there was no need to change it.)
Yes, there are effectively two accounts:
The details you used when you bought Opus, which are tied to your Opus registration.
The details you used when you created an account to post to this forum.
That is why the Account Linking page asks you for two sets of details and not one. The purpose of account linking is so that your forum account is tied to your Opus registration.
The page you are on now is the forum. Your forum username is DocLotus. i.e. The username you use when you log into this site.
The email address you specified when you created for your forum account can be found via the URL I gave above: ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details
There are only two separate addresses if you chose to use separate addresses when buying Opus and when signing up for the forum. They're both easy to find, as I explained above.
Because you may not even have a forum account yet. Most people don't create them. Also because the forum is a completely separate system to the Opus registration database, and it would be a lot of work to join the systems together (basically creating a custom version of the web forum software, which we don't write and don't have time to maintain ourselves).
A lot of the software I've bought has had separate accounts for buying the product and for the product's web forum (if any). It seems quite normal.
The only unique thing here is that we let you tie your web forum account to your purchasing account, so that we can provide all the tech support in one place. But the information you have to provide is no different to the info you'd have to provide to fill out a a tech support request + log into the forum.
It should not be a complicated process; just try to read what the instructions say and provide four things:
If you're still not sure where to find any of those four things, let me know which one and I'll try to clarify/explain it again.