CBR/CBX in preview panel

Really the DOPUS viewer is working fine with CBZ but I don't know if this is SumatraPDF related or if it is another option.

I thought that the DOPUS viewer and the Preview panel were the "same" engine to view..
I am missing something.

That is displaying a JPEG image (maybe from inside the CBZ file), not the CBZ file itself.

Sure it show an image. This is what I want to see on my preview panel .. the first image in a CBZ.
Really the same thing that I see on the dopus viewer.
Is there any possibility to see the same thing in the Preview panel than in the Dopus VIEWER?
What are the differences bettween both of them?

I don't have CBx file in front of SumatraPDF.
Have you tried uninstalled it just to see the result ?

And in the windows file explorer I don't have any preview.
The preview works only in DOPUS.
That's all I can say.

The Opus viewer isn't showing you that for the CBZ file, though, is it? You must have gone inside the CBZ file and double-clicked / selected the image inside it.

A plugin which shows the first image in a CBZ when a CBZ is selected could be written, but I don't know if anyone has made such a thing.

If you find something that generates that image as the thumbnail for CBZ files in File Explorer, you would get the same thing in the Opus viewer pane when a CBZ file was selected, as long as none of the viewer plugins were trying to handle it instead (i.e. remove the extension from the Sumatra preview handler so it doesn't try to display the file anymore).

(But that'd still only give you the first image, of course, not the ability to move through all the different pages like you can with the Sumatra application.)

It isn't there by default. It's only there if you add it yourself. (But since it doesn't work, there's no reason to add it.)

Correct. I just added both extensions trying to do SumatraPDF accept them. But In understand this is a wrong option. Then I delete both cbz, and epub from sumatra option.
And look for other solutions.

I think I have installed something that allow the behaviour I am looking for.
But it only works on the DOPUS viewer and not on the PREVIEW panel.
I have these scripts loaded:

and these plugins


Probably CBX_Handler.

yes CBX_Handler us the script allowing the display in DOPUS viewer.
But why is not appearing alson in the PREVIEW Panel?
Are there different handle?
May be @steje can help on this point as it is CBX_Handler origin.
Here is the behaviour: :arrow_right: Clic in the video to see what happen


Presumably CBX_Handler changes what happens when you double-click a CBZ file, so that it goes inside the file, finds the first image, and acts as if that was double-clicked instead.

If so, it won't have any affect on the preview pane at all.

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OK. This is the point @Leo. I understand now there is a different behaviour because one is started with the double click, and the other is just clicking on it.
And from your comment I understand the Preview pane can not have the same behaviour than the DOPUS viewer.
For me it is difficult to understand how there are three different view of the file.

Then if I can not have the same behaviour on both pane (PREVIEW and VIEWER)
may be is there an easy way to substitute the ICON by the thumbnail as in the lister?
Thanks for all these clarifications. :+1:

There aren't three different views of the file. The script you've installed is diverting the double-click of the file to open something different (a file inside the file). As far as the viewer is concerned, you aren't asking it to open the CBZ, you are (via the script) asking it to open the image inside the CBZ.

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I think I have used CbxShell Manager A very small program which had work for .epub too .

Because on the preview panel, in fact, I don't have a real Jpg, it's a very good quality "Icon Shell".
I believe they were generated by CbxShell manager. (I still have this program on my computer)

But for Epub, I have noted that I had to edit the window registry
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
and reboot.

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Good option. but doesn't solve my objective of getting an CBZ image in the PREVIEW PANE.
And for the thumbnail in the list, DOPUS is doing a good job with CBX_Handler

Thank @qiuqiu for your info.
My problem I am not a programmer and going to GitHub to download not executable stuff is very complex for me.
Anyway I understand this script does same thing than CbxShell Manager or CBX_Handler (except it accept also EPUB which should be intersecting in some situations).
Thanks anyway

I think it'll give you exactly what you're looking for, since the preview pane will display shell thumbnails if no other viewer can handle the file.

I don't know if you ever found a solution but in case you didn't, i was able to fix my issue by installing CBX Shell Manager.

Here's a walkthrough