Whenever I open dopus explorer, it's columns go back to some very unfriendly size.
Ideally whatever it should reopen with last colum sizes(filename,update,create date etc)
I work on 2 screens. This photo is from larger screen of 1920x1080 size. I wanted to complain since last year.
December 29, 2022, 1:58pm
Click Opus FAQs at the top of the page, the second thing in the menu.
It's endless array of topics. How long do I need to keep reading?
December 29, 2022, 3:26pm
The second thing (which links to the FAQ on folder formats and changing which columns etc. folders use) not the first (which links to the full list of FAQs).
It's like solving a puzzle to understand ur answer.
December 29, 2022, 4:39pm
Hardkorn linked directly to it as well, just above.