Change date of selected files, one by one, different dates

A regular occurrence: I wish to change the modified dates of a number of files, each file getting a different date though.

Right now: 1. select file, 2. F3 (set attrib), 3. change date, 4. enter or OK, proceed to the next one, select file, etc.

It would be nice if an option would available to set attributes of selected files, one by one.

So, at step 4 I would proceed to the next file, with cursor in last position (e.g. modified), change modified, click next, i.e. instead of selecting each individual file, the change attributes skips to the following file.

  1. select 1st file of a list, 2. F3 (set attrib), 3. change date, 4. [Next], change date, [Next], change date, [Next]..

I agree, I have not found any 'date changer' tool that can do this: either selecting each file separately, or bulk change with the same date, same as Opus.

Using the metadata panel is probably the easiest way. Select one file, change its data, click the next file (or click the arrow at the top of the panel to move to the next file).

Setting it to auto-apply will speed things up a bit more.

Ah! That's nice!
Thanks a lot.
Obviously I wasn't aware of this.

The F9 (default for the meta pane I assume) I use it FileViewer. This for many years and I am very much used to it.

I can bring up the meta pane by clicking on the Metadata tab in Styles. That one includes fwd button and apply, etc.

Two questions:

  1. In my case there is a difference between 'Edit Metadata' (CTRL-M) vs Metadata in Styles: the forward keys etc. are missing.
    Can I get ctrl-m do the same as Metadata in Styles?
    And/Or have e.g. the free F10 hotkey

2.When clicking on Metadata tab, Opus will load the 1st file, I can close the file view and when skipping to the next, the preview will -not- load, rightfully so.
Q: Any settings to avoid loading and showing the preview?
(In case of larger PDF it will take some time)
