Change View mode for destination lister when navigating into it

Greetings Gurus, How do I navigate into the destination folder while changing it's vew mode at the same time. (I want to open in destination and change the view mode o thumbnails for example.

This works for the source.
go C:\Future\Dynamic\images
Set VIEW=Thumbnails


Set SOURCE=toggle
Go C:\Future\Dynamic\images
Set VIEW=thumbnails

You can also use this:

Go "C:\Future\Dynamic\images" OPENINDEST VIEW=Thumbnails

Or change OPENINDEST to OPENINDUAL if you want it to always use a dual display within the same window. That would also turn on the second file display if the current window only has one display, instead of using the destination which may be in another window.

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Excellent, I like it on one line!

One more question.
Can a folder format be set when navigating into a destination lister (for the destination lister)?

Not on a single line, AFAIK, but you could probably do that using Lxp's method above.