Changing Color or removing 'Path Bar'


Can anyone tell me how to change the color or even remove the Path Bar.

I have gone through all the preferences, but cannot see an option.

I have attached a screen grab in case Path Bar is the incorrect name.

Thanks in advance,


To change the color: Preferences / Display / Colors and Fonts / File display border - Source, Off, and Dest.

The Toolbar and menu defaults / Field Background and Field Glyphs also influence the color of the edit field there, and on other toolbars (e.g. the Search field).

We don't recommend turning off that toolbar, but if you really want to you can configure it under Preferences / File Displays / Border and either change which toolbar(s) are displayed there, or choose Display as a static header to have a more simple bar shown there (which will still use the colors configured above), or even hide it completely when in single-display mode.


Many thanks........Color has now been changed :slight_smile:
