Changing image_res_units


Is it possible to change image_res_units from advanced preferences with keyboard shortcut?

I tried to set hotkey with function Prefs PAGE=advanced, but how to point function right to image_res_units parameter to toggle it?

I donĀ“t think, there is a way at the moment, so you have already the quickest way using the direct prefs page.

Thanks for answer.

So it is a suggestion to make possibility to assign keyboard shortcut to certain parameters in advanced preferences.

I work with images both in inches and centimeters, so changing physical size each time via preferenced is inconvenient.

I have solved my task with AutoHotKey. This simple script uses F11 and F12 keys to toggle between cm and inches:

WinGet, active_id, ProcessName, A
if active_id = dopus.exe
Send ^!+1
Sleep 100
Send {Tab}{PgDn 2}{Up 2}{F2}c{Enter}{Enter}
Send {F11}

WinGet, active_id, ProcessName, A
if active_id = dopus.exe
Send ^!+1
Sleep 100
Send {Tab}{PgDn 2}{Up 2}{F2}i{Enter}{Enter}
Send {F12}

Ctrl + Shift + Alt + 1 should be configured as function Prefs PAGE=advanced withing DOpus for running script as intended.