Changing the "View in directory Opus" default

I have a Maya file type iff that opens in directory opus and opus can't see this file type, so I get a blank and small viewer when I hit enter on this file type. if I right-click over this file and choose "open" it opens fcheck like it's supposed to, is there any way to tell opus not to try and open this file at all if I double-click it or hit enter with an iff file selected?


Preferences - File Operations - Double-click on Files

that doesn't work, I guess it thinks it can recognize the file type? I know Maya's iff has the same extension as an antiquated amiga iff file type, maybe opus thinks it can recognize it but can't so it just opens an empty viewer? I'm not sure how to tell it to open in fcheck instead of its own viewer.

Could you post a small example of one of these files? We might have to make Opus check for and ignore them.

To get around the problem you could configure the double-click event for this file type - if you just copy the definition for 'open' from the Actions tab to the double-click event on the Events tab in the file type editor, it should fix it.

Here's one iff file zipped up for your testing. Thanks! (350 KB)

I tried this and it didn't work. It just doesn't seem to care about the file type editor in this instance, at least the options I messed with. Like you said I copied the open code (which was just the path, the program with a %1 after it) and pasted that into the left double-click and nothing.

Not sure why that isn't working but another way to do it is to set Opus to only use the viewer for unregistered file types (that's one of the drop-down options in the prefs page I mentioned above), which should stop Opus handling IFF on double-click.

You could then set the double-click event of the Images file type group to the Show command (and make sure IFF isn't in that file type group) so that Opus's viewer is used for most images.

I'm able to take iff out of the list and now when I double-click on any iff the right program opens it, but I must not be doing this second part right because now no images are opening back up in opus (which I usually do want). I twirled down file type groups, clicked on (NONE) Images and chose edit. For left double-click I chose edit and clicked on the "commands" dropdown and clicked on show. Is that all I need to do? It doesn't seem to be working for any other file type now regardless...

I just tried here and if I completely turn off (un-check) the "use internal picture viewer" option in Preferences and set Images: Left Double-Click to Show, then it works as I'd expect it to.

Did you turn off the Preferences setting? That will override the file types settings. (That's what it's there for really. An easy way to use the Opus viewer within Opus without worrying about file types, which are often a mess.)

Okay, unchecking the use internal picture viewer preference setting did the trick. Thanks!