Checksum operations


I*m new to this forum, so i greet you all.
I want to say that DOpus is the best filemanager in the world for me.

So much better than the default winxp explorer.

I would like to see a crc checksum operation in the next release of Dopus, maybe you can select the whole folder and get a CRC for the whole folder, and the files within, not only select file, properties....MD5, so you can burn 20 folders to DVD and later compare with crc if the burning media is good. So you don*t have to check each file 1by1.

Thanx, I don*t know if there is something like this already made in Dopus, or if somebody else asked what i have asked.

You can use the synchronize function in Opus to verify that two directories are the same. It has a mode which uses MD5 comparisons.

Thank you, i will try it.

Would anyone care to code up into a button a "Copy then Verify" action that could be added to a command button or shortcut?

Something along the lines of copying from source to destination listers (I managed to get that going on a shortcut key) followed by a checksum verification of source and destination for matching files?

I've had a quick fiddle but haven't made much good progress.

Kind regards,

To copy-then-verify, I would probably make a button which did the copy and then ran a diffing tool like WinMerge or BeyondCompare on the source and destination directories. (See the Diff/Merge toolbar in the Toolbars forum for several examples of the latter.)

I don't think you can automate the Synchronize feature in Opus so the best you could do with that would be to make a button which turns the Synchronize panel on, requiring you to click on things to make the sync happen. The Copy-UpdateAll command can be automated, and does some forms of synching, but it doesn't compare file contents (only dates and sizes), so it's not useful in this situation. Running an external diff tool seems like the best bet.

Hi. I don't see this option, although it's good to hear that it exists. Please will you tell me where to locate?

Set the Mode drop-down to "one-way copy", then the Compare drop-down will let you select "byte comparison," which uses MD5.

Thank you. That was useful.