Clear EXIF metadata from images

Hmmm... I was going to ask what gave you that additional info... but are you sure that it's dumping out ONLY EXIF data? It's come up several times on the forums that Opus ONLY supports EXIF. Perhaps that data you saw is data stored in ~other tag formats...? For instance, in your comparison - you didn't seem to use an "EXIF" specific arg to tell nconvert to remove the tags... you used "-rmeta"... and then PhotoME itself seems to also support "Exif, IPTC & ICC" tag formats...

I appologize, what do you mean with "Hmmm... I was going to ask what gave you that additional info" ?

Nice find!.. o) I'm actually not sure and wasn't aware, that nconvert would possibly strip out more than just the exif information, but it obviously does (given that my jpgs contain further tag formats).
Yes, exif is not the only tagging standard. I somehow did not think of that and that there might be other tag formats in my jpgs, which DO won't touch right now, when "SettAttr META" is used.

@Kundal ?!
You came up with that command, now please explain.. o)

Is there a chance to get to know what exactly DO is about to remove, when calling "SetAttr META *" ?! I had a quick look into the manual, but couldn't find any details on that.

The command SetAttr META * simply deletes all supported Metadata from files. Read Keywords for SetAttr META in the manual for more information:!Documents/Keywords_for_SetAttr_META.htm

Right... so @tbone: what needs explaining? Unless you've found that there is indeed "EXIF" data that the Opus command is NOT removing (like it seemed was the case from your comparison), then why would you expect it to do anything with tag data in formats that aren't supported - like IPTC, ICC or XMP?

If you were then asking if you could see some sort of "preview" of what particular tag info that 'SetAttr META *' is about to nuke... no, not interactively in the form of a dialog or anything... but you can certainly open the METAPANE and see whats there... and the command will be removing everything you see :slight_smile:.

Mhh, please keep cool, I did not indent to make anybody angry or something, I just want to understand what's going on.
I do not expect DO to operate on any other tag format, please don't get me wrong. I don't want to see some preview either of what SetAttr is going to remove. Please watch the screenshots, then you might get the idea what confuses me.

I had a look onto that manual-page already, as I said, it doesn't give any information on what will be removed when "SettAtr Meta *" is used.

You guys say: It will remove all there is in the meta-pane (any exif related information), but then please watch this:

If you tell me, "SetAttr META *" is going to remove any information, which is visible and editable in the metadata pane, then that is obviously not true.
NConvert.exe on the other side, does erase any exif information perfectly, and that is somehow what I expected from using "SettAttr META *". Why it does not, is maybe some thing to look into.. ?! If I oversee anything here, please tell me. I just want to know. Here one more image, showing different results in the tooltip. If DO is doing exif only, than the left tooltip should be as blank as the one on the right.

Clipboard Image (2).png

btw: That attachment handling goes nutssomehow, when attachments are placed inline, does it ?!.. o))

I cannot edit my posts anymore, where's that button to do so.. did I miss anything ?! Has it been removed ?!

If you want to remove the actual metadata chunks from an image file you'll need to use a separate tool.

Editing posts - nothing has changed.

...well, sure. Did someone lose their cool :slight_smile:???

Hmm... then I'm confused now too... I thought (like Kundal) that that command would strip ~whatever metadata that is relevant to the filetype? Is it that by "remove the actual metadata chunks" do you mean that Opus is currently just clearing the data from each field in the EXIF header, but that the header is still left with each tags field left intact - just with no data? But there are several fields in his screenshot that still seem to contain actual values... Or is that Opus assuming some default value?

The fields that are cleared should be removed from the EXIF tag but the tag will still be there in the file. Whether the file actually ends up smaller or not depends on the total size of the EXIF tag and the amount of data removed - the EXIF tag is padded out to a certain size (probably a multiple of 4Kb although I'm not sure) and so the file size would only reduce if the tag got small enough to drop that padding.

I'm not sure why some fields (e.g. the shooting time) aren't being cleared - that looks like it might be a bug.

Detecting possible bugs is not a bad thing, thanks guys!.. o)

I forgot:

Thanks for that "no reply" info-link.. then it must be about 6 years ago, that I've edited a post ?!
It feels like having done that most of the time until recently (for typos only of course!), strange.. o)

You can edit posts in other areas of the forum so you might be thinking of that.

I don't know if the uncleared-fields affects all JPGs or if there's something specific to the JPG(s) that you're seeing it with, but it might be worth uploading one of the original JPGs so we can take a look at it.

Ok, here you are - the uploads did not run through settattr yet.
There's one additional image which does not react on "setattr meta *" at all (exif data seem untouched).

(Edit: Moved big images into a zip attachment.)
Clear EXIF metadata from (3.24 MB)

Thanks to jon for pointing me to this thread.
I can confirm tbone's findings as well, in my post here:

tbone, thanks for taking the effort and posting screenshots as well.

So as of now,
for specialized needs of stripping all metadata (for web use, reduced size ...etc), use an external tool
for general use and resetting basic metadata, use SetAttr META *

@tbone: weird... and confirmed about what happens with each of the images you uploaded. Oddly, the image where ~some fields but not all are cleared seems to have an even stranger issue - the Contrast and Flash fields seem to be getting "modified" as opposed to just not cleared? Contrast from Soft -> Normal, and Flash from No, compulsory -> No flash. Strange...

Yep.. strange indeed.. o)

I originally only wanted to remove personal information from the image. I believe the Dopus command does this.
However it is good to know another method that will remove all of the info from the image, I might change to using that to be sure the files are clean.

Thanks for input

I've done some investigation and the P1140932_fil.jpg file which doesn't get cleared has its Flash attribute tagged in what is (AFAIK) an unusual (but valid) way, and that's confusing Opus and making it cancel changing the file.

I don't know if it's an easy fix or not yet, or when we'll fix it, but I thought it was worth updating the thread with the info so far.

Thanks for looking into it and letting us know.. o)