Clear history from view filter problem - not clearing

I'm using Dopus I would like to clear the history of search filters from the drop-down list of the view filter. Unfortunately it does not work on my Windows Vista system!

Seems okay on Vista here.

How is the view filter configured? If you click the icon on the left of it the pop-up menu will tell you.

If the Auto-Content option is on then you can't clear the drop-down list since it's automatically generated from the list of extensions in the current directory. Otherwise clearing it should work.

...Testing some more, I can't clear the history if the filter is in Files & Folders mode. The other three modes (Files, Folders, View Filter) all clear okay, though.

Before I report that to GPSoftware, do you see the same thing or something else?

Here's a way to clear it for the time being:

Type /dopuslocaldata/State Data/MRU into the location field.

Delete filter_both.osd (and the other filter_*.osd files if you want).

You don't seem to need to restart for it to take effect.

I was aware of the "auto-content" option, and unselected it before trying.

I have reverted to a previous version of DOpus ( to check that version, that version only clears history for the file not folder nor files & folders.

I've sent a report since month ago... without reply...

[quote]Hi Greg and Jon
I’ve found a little bug in the File Filter Control…
When I press "Clear history" in context menu, only Files history is clean. Folders, files and folders and view filter histories not.

If I press "Clear history" in Folders, Files and Folders or View Filter mode, Files histories are clean (so filter_files.osd is clean instead of filter_folders.osd, filter_both.osd or filter_local.osd)[/quote]

Perhaps, I wasn't clear enough :confused: