CLIPBOARD PASTE (text) = DOpus crash everytime

Seems don' be realy fixed in DO

I miss this (goodworking) feature of copy Filenames and text into listers extremely...
Please help...

I use the "german edition"
and WindowsXP Pro

As far as I know this was fixed in What error are you getting? Can you post a screenshot showing the crash dialog? Can you attach the minidump files from the %TEMP% directory?

[Edit: I wrote this reply at the same time as Jon's. Didn't meant to repeat what he said.]

Can you tell us anything that might help reproduce the problem?

I have not seen the problem since and it seemed to fix it for everyone else I have spoken to as well.

Do you still get the problem if you disable all viewer plugins? (Some of them may inspect new files as soon as they are created, for example.) Does it matter which mode you are in? (Details, Thumbnails, etc.?) Does the size of text in the clipboard seem to matter? Or does the problem only seem to happen when pasting text copied from a particular program?

First Time: Sorry for my bad english...

If You mean the C:/TEMP directory - here only more null files like "CEPx13E8.tmp"

here the snapshot

... and please have patience with my slow answering - more infos will be added[/img]

OK, In the %TEMP% actualy are 37 files...
how to attach one from the .dmp files?

If I use a Button:

Clipboard COPYNAMES=nopaths
Clipboard PASTE

this crashes DOpus

If I will paste text (a directory name) - crash...

If I will paste text excerpt from a textfile - crash...

And I have now deselected ALL plugins...

In %TEMP% there should be a dir called DOpus.Minidumps, just attach the most recent one of those to a message in this thread.

I have accidentally find out that behind the crash dialog is a other process window vissible only if I move the first one:

This was after I have selected some audio .flac files,
Clipboard COPYNAMES=nopaths
Clipboard PASTE


Here the Minidumps in .rar format (dmp format is not allowed)
DOpus.Minidumps.rar (387 KB)

Thanks for that, this might be a dumb question but are you sure you're using ?

Yes, I use DOpus (my first legal copy of was I think 4.11 in the "old good amiga time"... :slight_smile: [THANX])

After I have closed all other Listers and worked with only one Dual Lister
CLIPBOARD PASTE works ..... :slight_smile: :confused:

Opening a new Dual Lister crashes will crash DOpus by the next acces to PASTE text

One Dual Lister + one "NoDual" Lister = PASTE works OK !!!

One Dual Lister + one "NoDual" Lister + one more Dual Lister = OK !!!!!!

Closing the Simple Lister to work with two DUAL Listers.... crash

I've got your command

Clipboard COPYNAMES=nopaths Clipboard PASTE

in a toolbar button and I'm running it from one dual-display lister while a second dual-display lister is also open. I still can't get it to crash.

Which directories are shown in the four displays?

First Lister:
E:\MPS Rips\Sugarcane - 1975 - Keyzop - MPS ƒ Metronome 68032
G:\ATM\234-235 – Electric Ladyland - Sesssions May 1967-January 1968 [ATM 234 ƒ 235]

Second Lister:\Mahavishu Orchestra\1973-03-16 - Felt Forum, New York, NY • [Wolfgangs Vault]
K:\Billy Cobham\1973 - 2 - Shabazz - Vinyl Rip

Have deinstalled DOpus German (prefs saved), the newest englich version downloaded and installed. Opened more Dual listers, Clipboard Copynames/Paste Button created and ... No crashes!

Then I have saved the new prefs

Next I have restored my saved prefs from the german version (which was for 3 weeks after upgrade converted from DOpus
and I got crashes...

Back to the good working new prefs

I have compared the files in the "good" \ConfigFiles with the ones from previous "bad" and then I have step by step replaced the different filles with the ones from "bad prefs" and checked the PASTE funktion.
After replacing the "prefs.oxc" DOpus crashes.

Then I have opened both prefs.oxc files in Editor to check differences
an one of the differences is
In the old "bad" prefs:
<flags misc="341"
In the new "good" prefs:
<flags misc="0x441"

changing the one entry to "0x441" will solve my problem,
but what is meant with the flags misc? how to find this in GUI Prefs.?

I have spend more time for searching. An I have find

I the old Prefs was the entry WindowsBlinds checked with a checkmark.
Changing to the "point" or simply unchecking will solve this problem.

I hope You can read and understand me, I have never learn english, sorry.


Thanks for that additional info! We have been able to reproduce this now and will have a fix for it in the next version.

Yes, excellent work tracking down the trigger, Mani! I never would've thought to try the WindowBlinds option but in the end it was important.