Collapse groups defined in folder formats?

Long story short...

Would like to define a folder format that has grouping, but would like the grouping to be collapsed so that I can expand the one's of interest to me.

Can this be done ?


This would be a nice feature, maybe for 11.2 :slight_smile:

So you'd be looking for an option to auto-collapse all groups? Or just specific ones?

auto-collapse all groups as default for the folder format

10 years later… lol

I'd like to have the option to select a specific group and keep it collapsed by default. Not all groups, just those I choose.

check this Evaluator Group for pointers, it collapses all except for Today,
Copy and paste it into Evaluator Groups, it uses modified column

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<evalgroupscheme desc="Date modified - Today" reverse="no" scheme_name="date_modified_today" sort="no">
	<eval>//days = DateDiff(&quot;d&quot;, modified, Now());
days = Age(modified);
groupName = &quot;&quot;;
groupDayNumber = DatePart(modified, &quot;MMM&quot;) + &quot; &quot; + DatePart(modified, &quot;d&quot;) + (Right(DatePart(modified, &quot;d&quot;),1) == &quot;1&quot; ? &quot;st&quot; : Right(DatePart(modified, &quot;d&quot;),1) == &quot;2&quot; ? &quot;nd&quot; : Right(DatePart(modified, &quot;d&quot;),1) == &quot;3&quot; ? &quot;rd&quot; : &quot;th&quot;);
groupDayName = &quot; &quot; + DatePart(modified, &quot;dddd&quot;) + &quot; &quot;;

orderOut = 0;
collapsed = true;

(days &lt; 1)
  groupName = &quot;Today&quot;;
  orderOut = 1000;
  collapsed = false;
(days &lt; 2)
  groupName = &quot;Yesterday&quot;;
  orderOut = 900;
(days &lt; 3)
  groupName = &quot;2 days ago&quot;;
  orderOut = 800;
(days &lt; 4)
  groupName = &quot;3 days ago&quot;;
  orderOut = 700;
(days &lt; 5)
  groupName = &quot;4 days ago&quot;;
  orderOut = 600;
(days &lt; 6)
  groupName = &quot;5 days ago&quot;;
  orderOut = 500;
(days &lt; 7)
  groupName = &quot;6 days ago&quot;;
  orderOut = 400;
(days &lt; 8)
  groupName = &quot;7 days ago&quot;;
  orderOut = 300;
  groupName = &quot;More than a week ago&quot;;
  groupDayName = &quot;&quot;;
  groupDayNumber = &quot;&quot;;
  orderOut = 100;

groupName = groupName as &quot;%-20&quot; + groupDayNumber as &quot;%-30&quot; + groupDayName as &quot;%-43&quot;;

return [name = groupName; order = orderOut; collapse = collapsed;];

// see
// Sort order needs to be an integer; 
	<groups enable="no" />
		<col default="no" id="3" />
		<col default="no" id="10" />
		<col default="no" id="41" />
		<col default="no" id="4" />
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