Collection containing multiple folder contents possible?

I have a few different locations where I store music on my computer. I would like to consolidate these into a music collection. Is it possible to have the contents of multiple folders be displayed in a collection?

For instance:

music is stored in
C:\mp3\my music
D:\external drive\new music

I would like to view the collection and see all folders contained in the folders listed above, but not the "my music", "new music", and "music" directories.


You would have to add the contents of each of the folders to a collection. Then, of course, when new things are added to the folders they won't appear in the collections automatically.

You could, perhaps, make a button which does a Find on each of the folders in turn, sending the results to a collection. You'd then have a button that you can press to update the collection, but it still wouldn't happen automatically.

NTFS junctions could probably be used to create a folder that appears to contain everything in the other three folders but you'd then experience problems with changes not being detected when viewing the folder. (But every time you navigated to the folder the view would be up-to-date.) You'd also get potentially unwanted used-space numbers from the merged directory which could confuse some programs (but probably to no great degree), and I'm not sure what would happen if a program tried to create a new file in the merged folder (e.g. a music tagger which decided to write a new file and delete the old one rather than update it in-place).