Columns auto-size

Is it possible to temporarily disable columns auto-size (set in folder options) without changing current display mode, which is required when I try to do this using favorites formats?

This is what I'm trying to achieve:
Usually I use list view and just a moment ago I found out there's an "auto-size columns" option, so it auto-adjusts to long file names. :grin:
But when I change to details mode (via button menu entry -> Set VIEW=Details) I don't want size column (which is to the right from file name column) move left and right when changing folders so I would like DO to automatically turn off auto-size columns when changing to details view (and probably turn it on again when switching back to list view).

You could make the buttons which change display modes also (or instead*) select a folder format when you click them.

(*If the format changes display modes as well as the autosize option then the button.)

I'm not sure if I get your answer.
So is it possible to add something to "Set VIEW=Details" command to make it disable auto-size columns?
Or do I have to create favorite format and buttons to use these favorite formats to turn auto-size columns on and off?

A favorite format was what I had in mind.

My request: auto-size but do not lock the column adjusters, so that the user can then adjust the column widths manually if needed, without clicking more buttons or switching to a different layout. I guess this would be like doing an auto-size action, but then switching to "manual mode" without resizing anything at that point. Perhaps we then also need a way to do the quick auto-sizing reset again.

The script here lets you toggle auto-sizing on and off:

The slightly different script here may also be of interest:

Thanks. I am already using the auto-size toggler. None of these scripts are bad, just not as convenient as what I have described.

Is it 4 years now that this auto-size column feature is available? I remember when it came out, it was around 10 years after a request of mine for it (and there were others as well). Crazy! o)

But back to topic, I agree with mikeyww, for regular use of the auto-size columns, they need to be resizable manually at every time. I stopped using them because the benefit is not there. The reason you want auto-size is because you don't want to click and drag things around unnecessarily.

Now there is auto-size and I need to setup scripts and buttons and after I did, I still need extra clicks to drag columns. This is no win compared with before/no auto-size columns available.

Apart from that you need to configure every DO installation with this to not confuse yourself and to keep things working equally. DO configs cannot be merged easily, so configs drift apart and ahh.. you might get to the point where you don't do much configuration at all. Which is a real shame! o)

Please make the auto-size columns resizable and please let's think about how to get a decent DO config sync/merge going in the future - with a central service maybe? o)

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All good points.

The biggest trouble I have with backing up my config is that my other computer uses different favorites, but I cannot isolate or exclude those during the backup, so restoring my config on the other computer does not work so well-- I always have to reconfigure, as noted here.

Favorites are stored in one file under /dopusdata/ConfigFiles, so you could always move that out, restore a backup, then copy it back in.

But let's please keep this thread to column auto-sizing. It doesn't make sense to drift into talking about config synching and backups, which is completely unrelated. :slight_smile:

If configs would merge more easily, I would be more relaxed adding more buttons/scripting bits here and there. But now that config merge is difficult, it's beneficial if very basic features are right there, out of the box. That's what I was trying to say. o)

I noticed that I was actually talking about the auto-fit column feature, not auto-size!
Sorry for any confusion and thanks! o)

@Leo: You're right! And thanks for the info.
@tbone: I think that DO refers to this column feature as auto-size.