Combine Content Type Formats and Path Formats?


I have a set of Path Formats that change the color of the folder tab depending on whether the folder is on C:, G:, X:, or in Box or OneDrive. This overrides the Content Type Autoformatting for, e.g., Images, Movies, and Music. Is there anyway to combine these two formats?


I don't think Content Type formats will be checked if there's an explicit format for the path. But we have some plans to make things more independent in the future, such that you wouldn't need to use a format for the tab colors.

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Thanks, Leo. I would welcome that. There is no other way to color the tabs based on drive/path, correct? That is more important to me than that Content Type format, in any case.


At the moment, you could do without folder formats by using a script.

The OnAfterFolderChange event could check the new path and run
Go TABCOLOR=#RRGGBB with the color you want for that folder, or ...=reset if it shouldn't have one.

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