Comic Book archives in the viewer pane

How can I make the Viewer Pane treat comic book archives with the extensions .CBR and .CBZ like the renamed .ZIP and .RAR files they actually are? If I click on a .ZIP file, the Viewer Pane shows a list of files comprising the contents of the .ZIP file. But if I change the extension from .ZIP to .CBZ, the Viewer Pane shows only code.

Can I make the Viewer Pane treat .CBZ files like .ZIP files? (While still preserving their file associations, of course. Currently .CBR files open in CDisplayEx while .ZIP files open in WinRAR, and I don't want that to change.) Thanks.

If there is a Comic Book archive tool which installs a preview handler or ActiveX viewer then that would work, but I'm not familiar with the related tools to know if any do that.

The zip viewing you're seeing most likely comes from Internet Explorer, which will only view zip files that have the zip extension.

Note that Opus can enter Comic Book archives as if they were folders, the same as with normal archives types, and once inside them you can view the images they contain in the viewer pane.