Command: RenameFolderAddCount

RenameFolderAddCount - a script command which is able to add the number of files or subfolders to a folders name.

Short feature summary:

  • limit counting of files by specifying a list of file-extensions
  • customizable rename pattern (to append/prepend to the foldername e.g.)
  • limit counting of files and subfolders to x-number of subfolders deep (or fully recursive by default)

Command Parameters:

Command-line parameters can be used to override script-config defaults:


By default it will rename a folder named My Folder containing 10 files to MyFolder (10).

By specifying, for example, pattern="%numfolders% - * - %numfiles%" the folder My Folder will be renamed to 34 - My Folder - 10, assuming it has a total of 34 subfolders and 10 files (recursive mode).

To prevent counting of files and subfolders which are not directly located below but anywhere deeper, use deepness=0.

In case you'd like to limit counting to *.txt and *.doc files, use extensions=".txt;.doc".

Default Parameters:

Default values can be customized from the script's Config dialog:


To install the command, download the *.js.txt file below and drag it to Preferences / Toolbars / Scripts.

You can open the script's Config window from the same place, once the script is installed.

Create a button or hotkey with the command RenameFolderAddCount and it's ready to go with the defaults.
