Command to zoom / unzoom listers

I am looking for some way to set a keyboard shortcut to zoom listers. Ideally I would have four: two to zoom/unzoom current lister and another two to zoom/unzoom ALL listers. I figured this would be the domain of the Set Raw command, but no dice there. Thanks!

It's is the domain of the Set command (sort of). You will only be able to modify the size of the current lister with this.

That's not quite what I had in mind. See the zoom button next to minimize? I'm looking for a way to programmatically change that with dopus scripting.

Using Opus button commands something like:


which are assigned to a hotkey works fine for me. Of course my lister dimensions are only an example, you'd need to change the numbers to what you want.

Thanks for the replies. I think I'll put in a feature request, as this would be useful, and probably trivial to implement. How does one go about submitting feature requests?