When adding a comment in the metadata pane it won't update itself in real time.
I have to leave the folder then come back for it to display the new comment in the lister.
Here I'm using the comment field for counting something. When changing from nothing to 1 or from 1 to 2 etc. it doesn't change until I leave the folder and come back.
The column I'm using is the Dopus standard one, not a custom evaluator or something.
Also, in the past I've noticed that factory comments which exist in metadata when the file was added to the computer (that I didn't add) sometimes (or always, I don't know) don't display in the comment column. I don't have a file to prove that right now, but I could try and find one.
I used Columns -> Documents -> Comment, but the header appears as Comments.
I was able to use the metadata panel to write or edit a comment to an arbitrary,
unrelated to Documents file extensions file,
and the column data appeared in real time with a few seconds delay.
Would a video be helpful ?
Sorry, I know nothing about the last part in regard to factory comments.
I'm getting a feeling of Déjà vu on that part.
You're right, the 'Comment' column only exists under 'Documents'. I didn't notice that before. It should probably be under 'General'. But it doesn't seem to work properly anyway. There is a 'Music > Comments' but that's probably the same thing, but for music publishers on audio files.
I noticed some files had some comments already written in their metadata, when going to the file properties. This text was never published to the 'Comment' column (it was empty). I should have saved the files to show this; now I don't remember which files it was, to give an example.
There is also the 'Description' and 'User Description' which both don't work either. (A user description should not be publishing factory ("factory" = comments from the company that made the file) comments, because it's exclusively a user description, as per the name). Neither do those columns have any metadata fields to fill them in with. I've complained about that before and the devs didn't fix it.
The 'Comments' column isn't updating itself when applying the metadata, unless I refresh the lister. The other metadata fields do auto-update themselves.