Compression level option in Zip command


Currently my default ZIP option is best for general use. But I want to make a button to archive selected files with level compression=Store.


@runonce:@set destfld={dlgchoose|where?|Here={sourcepath}+Destination={destpath}+Parent={filepath$|..\..}}
Copy ARCHIVE=single TO "{$destfld}" LEVELCOMPRESSION=store

Currently, I can't find an easy way to do this without using an external command tool as 7Zip in the button.

Would be great that it works with other format than zip (7z, tgz).

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Thanks for the suggestion!

I'm also interested in this feature. It's been quite a long time since this thread was created and I'm curious if there's any progress here.

It's still on the list but when I looked at it before it turned out to be much more complicated than I first expected, so it got bumped down to low priority. We'll have another look at it and see.

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