I'm new with DOpus so my question may be stupid, but I ask anyway.
After configuring DOpus icon with "mosaic" for example the tab "my document" and I close the application, after the reboot my icons revert to "detail". For the icon again "mosaic", I am forced to select another tab and then reselect my tab "document." How do I get my setup that remains in the "mosaic" every time you open without manipulation ?
Did you run the item Leo suggested? You had asked where the option was - but it's exactly where he mentioned - Settings->Set as Default Lister. Either way - how are you launching Opus when you see the problem... shortcut, dbl-click on desktop, dbl-click on taskbar icon...?
Depending on the answer, what are your related settings under Settings->Preferences->Launching Opus? I.E. is it set to launch the 'Default Lister' or a 'saved Lister layout'...?
If you're opening a particular folder (My Computer in both your examples) then you need to save tge folder format for that folder so it uses the view mode you want.
Most folders, if there isn't a specific format saved for them, will fal back on one of the default formats (see the FAQ I linked for more about that), but the My Computer folder is special since what it shows is completely different to a normal directory. My Computer always uses its owb format, but it is found and edited the same as the format for any folder. See the list of folder formats in the Preferences window, as mentioned in the FAQ I linked.
I edited the file as specified in your capture. In a first click on the tab (for example, "transfer") the width of the tree is correct, but I click a second time I tab or click another tab and then "transfer" the width is no longer correct.