Configure address bar paths shortened with "..."?

Can someone help me find how to customize the below so I dont have my address cut off per directory like this? The names of my directories are being cut off even though there is plenty of room on the address path bar.


Have you changed the Args field here?

Don't worry if you've never seen that before; you'd know if you had changed it, unless you're using toolbars someone else has modified (let us know if that's the case and we can give extra detail on how to find it).

Also, are you using the default font and font size or something else?

Here is what mine looks like

Its been a while since i configured everything and I dont even remember this window tbh.
The font im using has been changed to "Baloo 2" size 9, but this wasn't an issue till recently.

That looks normal. (Apologies, the screenshot I posted wasn't normal. I've cleared my args to test something and forgot.)

Could you try changing the font to Segoe UI, 9pt to see if that makes a difference?

It looks like the width calculation is going wrong somehow, which might involve the font, but could also mean Opus is confused by something else.

Have you rebooted since this started happening? Any system DPI/scaling changes recently that might be the trigger?

No DPI changes recently, but I am on a 4k screen with scaling set to 150%, but this has been like that for months.

What one affects the font for the path bar? I changed them all to Segoe but the path bar font never changed.

I rebooted earlier today, I can again soon.

To change the font:

  • Settings > Customize Toolbars
  • Select the toolbar (usually File Display)
  • See the Font setting on the right.

So when I opened that window, the "File Display" box was unchecked. Checking it added am additional File Display as showing below. When highlighted it also had no (not even greyed out) checkmark for font nor a font pre-filled. It was just blank.

After clicking on the font checkbox and selecting my font (either Segoe or Baloo 2, didnt matter), both the new File Display bar (seen by the upper arrows) and the old one i had (below the file menu pointed out by the arrows) seemed to reinitialize themselves.

After that the issue went away and i unchecked the "File Display" again and it seems to be fine. Weird! Thanks

That's normal. The File Display toolbar(s) are special, and not turned on and off like normal toolbars (although you can turn the same toolbar on in both places, with the result you saw, and you can edit their fonts etc. like normal toolbars).

Odd. Some incorrect size must have been cached somewhere, but I don't know what would cause that.

If it happens again, please let us know, and keep an eye out for anything unusual that might be the trigger. Hopefully it won't happen again, but we'd like to fix it if it wasn't just a one-off.