Configure your own toolbar buttons and menus

I just purchased the light version after nearly the 30 day trial and I am loving everything about Opus compared to Windows Explorer however it clearly says that in the Light version that I can Configure your own toolbar buttons and menus, but I can't find a way do that at all. I right click and go to "customize", and toolbars are listed there but I see no way to move buttons around which is really what I would like to do. I can't drag or move buttons when in the main DO window. I was able to created a new toolbar but see no way to add anything to it.
Please help.

After creating a new toolbar, right-click it to add new items to it.

You can also drag items from the Customize / Commands tab to the new toolbar, if I remember correctly. (Don't have Light in front of me at the moment to double-check.) -- Edit: Turns out you can't do it that way, I think because most of those commands are already in the default toolbars.

Modifying the default toolbars requires Pro, so in Light you can only create your own additional toolbars and add extra commands to those.

Thanks for your reply, but I am truly not seeing how to add anything. I have my new toolbar showing, but right clicking on it only brings up the "customize" option but inside the customize window I have only two tabs, "Tools" and "Keys", no "Command" tab.

Here's a quick example video:

(I'm double-clicking the new buttons to edit them, but you can also right-click and choose Edit. The important thing is to be in Customize mode -- i.e. keep the Customize window open -- while editing things.)

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Thanks so much for the video! I get it now and have created a new button. I have a lot more to learn about how to make them work, but I am moving in the right direction now.

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