Where is described the "Desc:" field on Equals ("Confirm File Replace") in Move/Copy files?
Can this be reassigned (by file type)?
Can additional fields be displayed?
Where is the thumbnail size defined or set?
Desc. field shows the same thing as the Description column.
The only way to change what's displayed is by writing a plugin DLL. (Although disabling or configuring some of the plugins can change what's displayed in a few cases; e.g. the TextThumbs plugin lets you show the first 256 bytes of the file in the description column if you want that.)
Another quick response - thanks.
How do I get a plugin DLL to do what I want? Are there Plugin DLL vendors?
What do you wan the DLL to do? Which filetypes are involved?
Hi nudel. I'm dealing with true type and open type font files (ttf/otf). I don't know off hand the exact name, but a description could be drawn from a field perhaps called Version.
Fonts are already handled internally by Opus so the best thing to do is file an official feature request asking for two things:
Support for the version field in truetype fonts. (The version columns work for .fon files but are blank for .TTF files.)
Include the font version in its description.
I'm not sure about the 2nd thing, though. It would make the description column for fonts a bit ugly IMO, when the version information usually isn't of interest for fonts.
But when replacing a font file I can see how it would be useful... Maybe the version information could be displayed only in the Replace dialog and not in the Description column. (You can always turn on the version column if you want the information in a lister, after all.)