Confusing display of modified date


I am using WinXP Pro SP2 (eng.) and Opus 9.1 and I have noticed a strange behaviour within Opus with the display of the modified date column. Whith the option "Show day names in date column if date is within one week" enabled I get the following. There is a mixture of German (Dienstag) and English (Yesterday, Today). It is always the same: Yesterday and Today are english, the weekdays are in german

EDIT: Here are my settings

BTW, how can I accomplish to make a post with




I could only add the pictures after all the text. At least by using the attachment option from within the forum. If I upload the pictures to an external hoster I would work with img-tag Additionally only three attachments are possible. Why?

Are you actually using the German version of Opus?

Windows provides localized day names so we use these, but it doesn't provide strings for 'Yesterday', etc, so these come from the Opus language file.

[quote="jon"]Are you actually using the German version of Opus?

No, I always used the english version of Opus. I have the geman language pack installed (I do not know when and why is was installed) but the selected language is english.

That would explain it. If you want Opus to be in German, use the German version/pack.

If you want the day-names to be in English, set the OS to English.

If you look at the Regional Options screenshot you posted you'll see it says "This option affects how some programs format numbers, currencies, dates, and time". You have that option set to German.

If you look at the Regional Options screenshot you posted you'll see it says "This option affects how some programs format numbers, currencies, dates, and time". You have that option set to German.[/quote]

Ah, now I understand. Damn ...

Although I expect a english program to be completely in english without regards to the OS settings, I understand that some programs, which rely on OS functions or settings, are not.

Either I have to live with that mixture or switch to german completely. Complete english is now way (For example: Who understands this date format of MM/DD/YYYY :wink:?). But the german translation is confusing. Especially when the main users/forums are in english and you won't find the menu option etc. mentioned there.

You could switch to English and then modify the date format afterwards.

Or switch to British English which uses a sensible date format by default. :slight_smile:

All good programs use the OS date-format functions, just like Opus does, but like Jon says the OS date-format functions don't provide names for "Today" and "Yesterday" so they come from Opus's language/translation.

I don't really understand why anyone would want the OS using one language and their programs using another (unless their programs didn't have a translation into the preferred language). That's bound to result in odd combinations of language like this. :slight_smile:

Ok, that would fix the date. But as I work in german dominated company I also have to use Excel and there arises another problem with the separator "," or ".". Scripts will stop working, display of files will change etc. No way ...

I don't really understand why anyone would want the OS using one language and their programs using another (unless their programs didn't have a translation into the preferred language). That's bound to result in odd combinations of language like this. :slight_smile:[/quote]

As long I use a program with the language of the programmers I am sure that everything is as it was meant to be. No intermediate translator. I have seen so many bad translations or that the translations don't match the dialog boxes etc. That why I prefer the orignal language besides from what I mentioned in my previous post.

But as I am used to a "sensible" date format and all the other great german stuff :wink:, I would like to keep some german settings. But you're right that that may lead lead to some confusing results.