Confusion around Find-as-You-Type usage

Thanks again for a great update. I'm loving DO12!

I use FAYT pretty regularly, but since upgrading to DO12 I've noticed a difference. At first I though I was imagining it, but
it seems to be reproducible.


With FAYT Default function as "Find", pressing '*zip' will filter the display showing only files containing the letter "zip". Pressing ESCAPE while editing the filter bar will clear the filter and return to the folder display. I am happy with this.

With FAYT Default function as 'Filter Bar' (my preferred). Typing "zip" will activate the filter bar, filter on "zip" and display the same list of files as before. But pressing ESCAPE will return you to the folder display, leaving FILTER BAR enabled with a single letter filter (Usually the key which activated the filter, even if you backspaced over it while editing). I would prefer escape to behave as before and clear the filter bar entirely.

The Option Preferences/File Displays/FAYT and Filter Bar Options/Select first matching item seems to apply correctly to 'Filter', but does nothing in "Filter Bar" mode. Can you make it work the same in both modes?

I was going to complain that pressing '.' to activate find, and typing a few letters would highlight some files in yellow, and select the first. Pressing ENTER would execute the highlighted file (how do I turn THAT off!!), and pressing escape would clear the selection. But after testing the FAYT settings above and returning to 'Filter Bar' as the default, using '.' to activate find, leaves the first matching file selected when I press escape... This has been annoying me for a while, including earlier today, and I'm confused as to why the behaviour changed suddenly.

Thanks again

  1. That is how it has worked for a long time. Push Esc a second time if you wish to clear the filter.

  2. Not currently. The Filter Bar is a completely separate thing to Find-As-You-Type (which can also do filtering).

  3. I'm a bit lost here, but this seems the same as 1, i.e. push Esc twice to clear the filter.

Hi Leo,

Thanks for the response, I apologise for my poor descriptions.

This question was more about why Esc behaves differently depending on whether FAYT default action is "Find" or "Filter Bar".
With the default set to "Find", you need to press '*' to activate the Filter Bar, and while editing the filter, a single escape will cancel and close the Filter Bar.

With the default set to "Filter Bar", as soon as you type something, the filter bar appears, but pressing escape won't cancel it, just leave you with a view filtered by the key you pressed to activate the filter bar (For example, if I press 'F' on the keyboard, the filter bar appears with an 'F' in it. If I press backspace, and type 'zip', the display filters to zip files only. Pressing Esc at this point returns the Filter Bar to 'F', and a second escape is required to clear the filter bar completely. This feels like a bug because I never pressed enter to accept any filter, certainly not the letter 'F'. I tested on another machine under DO11.19, and it appears to have always behaved this way. It just seems odd.

This is unfortunate.. I currently press 'space' immediately after filtering to activate the first entry. It would be nice if I could enable this option for "Filter Bar".

My apologies. I'm starting to think I imagined this. I was sure pressing Esc in "Find" mode cleared the selection. I found that behaviour frustrating so I changed the default behaviour to "Filter Bar". It appears now that it does not clear the selection.. and probably never did..