Constant crashing (Wondershare PDFelement)

my thumbnails stopped loading a few days ago so i played around in the settings to try to fix it, the next day it just started crashing a few seconds after its opened. i assume its related to the thumbnail loading. so i have been trying to undo any changed and make it load from icaros etc. disabled all plugins etc etc i have no idea how to fix whats happening. it crashes so fast i cant even stay in the settings long enough to fix things and its so frustrating. i would just fully reset everything but my dopus is so customized it would kill me to have to redo that after.
please help me

Is File Explorer also crashing if you thumbnail the same files there? That may help tell if the problem is external to Opus or not. It probably won't be down to your Opus configuration.

If crash logs are created, you can send them to us and they may point to a particular component or reveal something we need to fix on our side. Edit: Saw you sent those already.

i literally never even open explorer, im dopus or die.
but i just opened to test, hasnt crashed yet. im sure its something related to the settings i changed in dopus. it doesnt seem to be related to spiking cpu or ram, i am looking at task manager its at 0.3% cpu and 4.3g of memory. I have alot of tabs open so that doesnt seem abnormal

it went up to 11% cpu and 4.4% when opening a pretty folder with 2.3k thumbnails and 7% cpu when opening another folder with 88 thumbs

I also have had problems with the thumbnail caching, non-reproducible, navigating image folders triggers it - the busy spinner does not stop spinning (indicating it is caching) and my fans get louder (meaning it is thrashing my cores) - restarting DO fixes.
Also turning off the following setting fixes the issue.

thanks i will turn it off and see if it keeps crashing

The crashes you are seeing are due to a problem in this component:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Wondershare\PDFelement11\Preview\\libPdfCore.dll

It seems to be compiled with debug code still in, as it's triggering a breakpoint, which will crash the program if it isn't running under a debugger.

I would check for updates to Wondershare, and contact the authors if there are none or they don't fix the problem.


thank you, it hasnt crashed since i turned off loading thumbnails before they become visable. maybe it was an issue with loading specifically pdf thumbnails with pdf element as my default pdf viewer?

for now all good though! thank you.