Constant disk access (again)


I'm still bugged with the sudden constant disk access all of a sudden while DO is open. If I open Process Monitor it shows dopus.exe accessing all kind of files/drives/registry entries....
Sometimes it even makes the system completely unresponsive for a few minutes.

Please, what could be the problem, it's here for a long time allready.
Could it be that it doesn't play nice with a third party program ?

Which file/drives/registry entries are being accessed?

What is the connection between them and what is displayed by Opus, or in a Collection in Opus, or used by toolbar icons or background images in Opus etc.? There must be some connection unless it's something random such as a rogue shell extension running within dopus.exe.

[quote="leo"]Which file/drives/registry entries are being accessed?

What is the connection between them and what is displayed by Opus, or in a Collection in Opus, or used by toolbar icons or background images in Opus etc.? There must be some connection unless it's something random such as a rogue shell extension running within dopus.exe.[/quote]
Leo, I tried to capture the scrolling output from the Process Monitor tool but the list grew so big in a fraction of a second that SnagIt just plainly crashed.

I can somehow refine my report in that it happens when I access the root of a drive, like for example C:\ or E:\

If I click the C:\ drive it starts to read all kinds of subfolders, and accessing hundreds of thousands registry entries in a fraction of a second, and I really don't know what could trigger that. I don't think a shell extension could be the problem since no shell extension would trigger it to start digging through the whole partition.

For your info, these are the shell extensions that show up when I right click in C:

Well actually, the screenshot above shows up when I rightclick a folder in root of C:\

When I rightclick a blank area with C:\ shown, this shows up :

There's nothing unusual about lots of disk/registry activity when you actually do something, like read a new folder or right-click to display the context menu. Your original post was taking about "sudden, constant disk access". If you can't provide some actual information about what is being accessed (as Leo asked) then there's not really anything we can do for you.

Concentrate on the files and turn off registry monitoring in procmon for now.

What are you actually doing in Opus when this happens? Is it reading files and subdirectories below where you are or something else?

Also, see what happens when opening the same folders in Explorer.

Well here's what happens, I have K:\ selected and DO behaves, when I click the C: drive Icon and DO switches to C:\ I have ... (let's see and calculate)
In 6 sec, 52 hundres/sec .... 83788 disk accesses (Registry monitoring switched off) ... I immediately stopped further capturing and tried to take a scrolling capture with SnagIt, It crashed with some out of memory error (Error 27)

What DO was doing after studying the procmon logfile, it was "QueryDirectory" and "ReadFile"-ing EVERYTHING, Folder by folder, so I saw it queried and read everything in C:\Documents and Settings (hundreds of thousands items) continuing, also everything in C:\Program Files

I'll try a partial screenshot, cannot capture the whole scroll area because before i can pause it, it's allready hundreds of thousands lines long.

Here's a minimal part, see the times, see the requests....

When I switch to the root folder of a drive it just starts reading EVERYTHING on it.

When I leave DO in the background it keeps on reading foldercontents as deep as possible from everything on the drive (although not as extreme as when I switch to the root)

Not sure why you're using SnagIt to capture scrolling screenshots from a program which can create log files...

If everything that's being accessed is below the directory you're in (C:) and it's mostly QueryDirectory calls then it sounds a lot like you've got Opus set to calculate folder sizes, or sub-file/folder counts, or some other thing which requires it to read in all the subdirectories. Have you? If so then none of what's shown in the screenshot should be surprising or worrying.

[quote="leo"]Not sure why you're using SnagIt to capture scrolling screenshots from a program which can create log files...

If everything that's being accessed is below the directory you're in (C:) and it's mostly QueryDirectory calls then it sounds a lot like you've got Opus set to calculate folder sizes, or sub-file/folder counts, or some other thing which requires it to read in all the subdirectories. Have you? If so then none of what's shown in the screenshot should be surprising or worrying.[/quote]

AFAIK I haven't got anything in DO set to count folders/files...
Here's my filewindow :

What are these set to in Settings -> Preferences and Tools -> Folder Options when in that folder?

Well, I created a 15sec logfile (RAR = 4.6 MB) with only dopus activity filtered IN.

Here it is :

I guarantee I don't have any folder/file counting options enabled.
When I use Explorer, there are some requests but not the extreme amounts as in DO.

Leo, these options where and still are not ticked as you suggested.
I really have no more ideas. :frowning:

If you switch into Details mode do you see folder sizes start appearing?

Something must be making Opus read the subfolders...

Remember that settings can be inherited from other matching folder formats. If, say, the Local Drives format has folder size calculation forced on then that may be the cause.

[quote="leo"]If you switch into Details mode do you see folder sizes start appearing?

Something must be making Opus read the subfolders...

Remember that settings can be inherited from other matching folder formats. If, say, the Local Drives format has folder size calculation forced on then that may be the cause.[/quote]

Thank you Leo, It is fixed ! :smiley:

In your second picture, I had "Get Folder sizes: " AUTOMATIC.
Now with "Default" it seems to behave.

Thanks a lot !

Hi Leo,

Now I have another related problem. Here's the situation :

  • When in C:\Program Files I had Get Folder Sizes: set to "Automatic" ... so I set it to "Default", clicked Apply and OK.

  • I then went to [b]C:[/b], and back to C:\Program Files ... When
    I go back to the Get Folder Sizes: option, it has reverted back to "Automatic" !?!? :frowning:
    It happens every time ? Please I'm out of ideas on how I can get this function to behave as it should.

OK, I get it. I had C:\Program Files predefined under "Preferences/Folders/Folder Formats".

Sorry to bug you again. :laughing: [/b]