Context Menu Item "Open With" Missing


I am using Directory Opus 12.11 x64 and not longer can find the "Open With" on my context menu selection. Am running on Windows Version 1809 Build 17763.253. Would appreciate any help someone could offer.

Thank You

Is it there if you hold shift when you right-click?

Yes it is. I was unaware of the change. Is there a way to restore the behavior to see it without holding the shift key?

Thank You for your kind and quick answer.

I have the following added to my Images Group Context Menu:


It isn't a change in Opus, but I suspect you have turned on this option:

Preferences / Miscellaneous / Windows Integration / Hide Windows items on file context menus (shift overrides)

If that is turned on, things like the Open With menu will be hidden by default, unless you hold Shift.

You can add FileType OPENWITHMENU to the context menu to force the menu to appear when that option is turned on. (The command in Blueroly's post above will do something similar.)

This seems to do exactly the same thing as my suggestion. I will use this "cleaner" method instead.

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Thanks for the good answers. Much Appreciated!

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