Context menu option doesn't work in DOpus, but in Explorer

Can you use Process Monitor to see what dopus.exe is trying to access? Create a log and send it to me in a private message if the procmon output doesn't mean anything to you, and I'll take a look.

Could you also run my FileTypeDiag tool against the file extension you're seeing the problem with and send the result?


Thank you leo for all your help. I just pm-ed you the files you requested.
My pm message is in my Outbox and not in the Sentbox. I hope you have received it.

Private Messages stay in the Outbox until the recipient has opened them. Then they show in the Sent folder.

Sorry I get this now that I try to pm
Sorry, but the maximum filesize for all Attachments in your Private Message Folder has been reached. Please delete some of your received/sent Attachments.

I have deleted all the other messages and my attachbox is 0% full and I'm trying to pm a 262KB file only. Is there a Trash that I have to empty?

I think all of the message boxes count towards the total (e.g. the inbox/savedbox as well).

If it's easier, though, email the log to me:

Thanks for the logs!

The problem has been identified and GPSoftware have a fix which should be included in the next Opus update.

Really? Thanks a lot. In the meantime is it possible to fix it before the next DOpus update?

Yes, if you're comfortable editing the registry. It'll work if you move this key:



(and similarly for the other extensions).

Is this a MediaInfo bug or DOpus?

What I mean is, the key
was added by MediaInfo or DOpus there?

The key is put there by MediaInfo, but it's a legitimate place for a key to be and something Opus should handle but doesn't currently handle correctly (until or whatever the next update will be called).

Ok, Thank you.

Sorry I ask, I'm curious. The support team told me they installed MediaInfo and it worked for them. How come?

There was some confusion because the bug was already fixed internally, but nobody (myself included as I'm running a similar version where it worked for me as well) realised that change would also fix the MediaInfo issue, so everything worked when tested against the beta version and it wasn't until everything else had been tried that the thought occurred to try with 9.5 instead of the beta code.

Seems obvious now, of course, but it wasn't obvious that the fix would affect this and in the past context menu issues that happen for some people but not others have tended to be due to filetype/registry differences on the machine (e.g. due to different video tools which take over the filetypes and/or move existing settings to other locations, where Opus and Explorer didn't always check the same locations or in the same order).